

May 21st, 2020

Video Conferencing Guide: Getting Your Event Started

Video Conferencing Guide: Getting Started

The Coronavirus has changed the way businesses communicate. Industries that have been reliant on in-person events and conferences have adapted and are embracing video conferencing instead. Video conferencing and online meetings often get confused, but they are very different communication tactics. Video conferencing is perfect for:

  • Communicating messages to a large group of people at one time
  • Creating a cost-effective networking events for groups spread across the world
  • Public product launches

Start Planning Your Video Conferencing Event

Video conferences can be small and straight forward (similar to a webinar) or large and complex. You can choose to incorporate additional elements such as: virtual trade shows, online communities, networking events and rewards. In order to get started on your video conference, you will need to answer the following questions:

  • How many attendees do you expect to tune in?
  • How many presenters will you have?
  • When do you want the event to take place?
  • How many days and sessions will the event take?
  • Are there networking groups or activities you need to incorporate?
  • Do you have sponsors? If so, how many?
  • What will you promote your sponsors?
  • Are you creating virtual trade show booths for sponsors or companies?
  • Is this a free event? If not, how much are you charging?
  • Are there different levels of access to your event?

Now it is time to decide which service you will use to present your video conference. You can have a custom website and video streaming solution, or you can utilize one of the following third-party services as your video conferencing platform:

These platforms offer a range of services and usually have size limits for presenters and sessions. It is important to choose a platform that fits the scope of your event. If possible complete a demo or trial run to make sure that the platform is easy to use for both presenters and attendees.

Once you have decided on a video conferencing platform, you will need to create your event and marketing assets.

Creating Event and Marketing Assets

Event assets include any items you need to run the event. Popular event assets include:

  • Website for the event
    • Including event ticketing and registration
    • Presenter bios and event information
    • Guest login and group interaction
    • Sponsorship information
  • Pre-recorded video from presenters
  • Slideshow presentations from presenter
  • Template page for virtual tradeshow booth
  • Emails with event instructions and reminders
  • Social media group for attendees

Marketing assets include any items you need to promote your event and increase ticket sales or sponsorship sign ups. Popular marketing assets include:

  • Promotional emails
  • Social media posts
  • Online ads
  • Direct mailers
  • Infographics
  • Digital flyers
    • Sponsorship sales
    • Event sales
  • Digital imagery for influencers and sponsors to share

Your event website will also serve a vital role as you promote your website. If your event website isn’t clear and easy to use, it will be hard to launch a successful video conference.

Practice and Prepare

 A smooth, professional event isn’t magic. It takes careful preparation and practice. Run through each session for your event with your presenters. Make sure they know how to use your video conferencing software and that their videos and presentations are displaying properly. Choose a small test group from your upcoming attendees to participate in a dry run and confirm that your instructions are easy to follow. Consider your event from every angle and try to prepare for as many surprises as possible.

Make Your Video Conference Special

Don’t forget to make your video conference fun! Create online environments for your attendees to interact or reward them with prizes and swag shipped directly to their home! Frozen Fire has the knowledge and creativity required to help you produce and market an engaging video conferencing event. Connect with us and we will work with you to put together a video conferencing event worth remembering.



Want to know more about video pricing. Check out our article here.

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