

September 14th, 2017

3 Video Styles To Launch Your Vision

When creating a video for your business, deciding what video style will work best can sometimes feel overwhelming. Although you can take your video in several different directions, you can narrow down your options to three distinct styles! This allows you to focus your efforts on the messaging and content within your video. A great place to start when whittling down your choices is to consider these three styles: interview, lifestyle, and graphics. 


You may choose interview style if you want your video to have a personal touch or testimonial feel. The interviewee may be a customer, employee, or corporate leader depending on your audience and the purpose of your video. You can choose whether or not to add B-Roll to your interview-based video. B-Roll is supplementary footage used to give context to what the interview subject is speaking about. Editors also use B-Roll to seamlessly cover up any pauses or cuts within the video. Here is a video we created that uses a combination of interview footage and B-Roll to effectively tell the client’s story.

You may also choose not to include B-Roll in your interview based video. If you choose this video style, expect to spend extra time getting the perfect take, as there won’t be additional footage to cover stumbles or pauses. It is usually necessary to have a two-camera set up if using this style for a little more coverage, as seen in this video that features an interview with no B-Roll. In both examples, the lower thirds act to identify the speakers. If you are considering an interview style video with no B-Roll, adding more graphics to make the video more visually appealing is always an option. Here is an interview style video that did not utilize B-Roll, but did include graphics to help break up the video throughout.





Lifestyle videos are all about driving the viewer’s emotions with visuals and musical cues. Choose a lifestyle video without voice over if you want to peak viewer’s interest without giving away all the details. Take a look at this video we developed for a furniture delivery company. What sells this service is the upbeat tunes and how the average viewer can relate to the emotion and ease of experience when choosing the business. After watching, you may still visit the website to find out more about pricing, company information, and details on the process.

If you love the idea of using a lifestyle video, but what you are trying to achieve requires a few more specifics, consider combining lifestyle with voice over. This style of video still uses music and reinforcing images to draw in the viewer emotionally, while supporting your message with a voice over. You can watch an example of a lifestyle with voice over piece we created for a dog bone brand here. It was important to clearly communicate the benefits of the product being a natural healthy option for a customer’s dog. While some viewers may research further, the average consumer can easily decide how to move forward based on the information provided.





Another video style to consider is an all graphics video. Graphics videos have a wealth of possibility, and you can choose to use voice over but it is not necessary. The most commonly used graphics video is an explainer video. Although explainer videos come in several different formats, graphics offer simplicity. Explainer videos work well for communicating information that may not be the most enticing to watch in a traditional video. Take this video we created for example. The purpose of the video is to show a consumer how to pack a box – not the most interesting concept. With a graphics video, the viewer is able to receive all the information they need in a digestible, fun way.



Decisions still need to be made, but choosing your video style is the first step. If you’re still not sure which of these options are best for you, ask us! Frozen Fire is committed to communicating your message effectively and making your vision come to life. We will come to the table with our best recommendation to accomplish your goals and purpose for your video.



Want to know more about video pricing. Check out our article here.

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