

March 15th, 2013

Spotlight Customer of the Month: DART

We know you’ve seen our Spotlight Customer of the Month…DART. The trains and buses for Dallas Area Rapid Transit are a familiar site to every Metroplex resident. They dart through the streets of Dallas on an intricate network of rails and routes. The growing movement to reduce pollution and the staggering gas prices in 2012 created a surge of support for public transportation.  A call for strategic alterations in current routes and programs soon followed.

This month, Frozen Fire is highlighting our partnership with this prominent government program!

DART Spotlight Customer of the month imageThe Need

Clear and accurate communications are vital for DART. A multitude of residents who rely on DART everyday for transportation to jobs and local hot spots. The DART telephone and IVR system shares an incredible amount of information. A caller seeking information on scheduling, routes, pricing and special programs simply calls DART and follows the prompts.



The Solution

Frozen Fire assisted DART with an overhaul of the previous IVR system. We recorded over 700 phrases in English and Spanish and are on standby for continuous updates as the DART system changes and improves! Our direct and consistent approach to projects was a huge benefit for DART. A decisive approach to the IVR changes was essential to the project’s success. Frozen Fire was particularly suitable to DART’s needs because of our common sense approach. As a result, Frozen Fire was awarded with the job. Our tasks include: translating, selecting talent, recording and editing the phrases, as well as double checking each phrase. Finally, we format the files for inclusion in the telephone system.

Soon after project completion, word came that more phrases will be coming down the tracks for Frozen Fire to record. We are proud of the part we play in spreading DART’s messaging to our fellow Dallasites! Thanks for reading up on our spotlight customer of the month!



Want to know more about video pricing. Check out our article here.

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